Exquisite Pieces of Glass Art
Kiln-formed glass for your home, office, or a gift for that special someone.
Signed in as:
Kiln-formed glass for your home, office, or a gift for that special someone.
Fusing art glass provides us with the freedom to experiment and manipulate glass by color, texture, shape, and how a piece will be used, be it a functional serving plate, platter, bowl or a decorative piece of art. There are infinite possibilities when fussing with art glass that can be very exciting and challenging.
Magic is the only way to describe what it's like for us to fuse art glass. When a glass piece goes into the kiln for firing, its appearance is how it was assembled. But after firing and opening the kiln, the kiln gods have given a gift which may or may not bring forth an "Ahhhh!".
We take great pride in our handmade fused art glass, andwe enjoy the creative process involved. We hope you like what you see and find that one special piece for yourself, family, and friends.
Jim & Julie Vermeer
Vermeer Glass Art Studio & Gallery
302 Grand Ave
Spencer, Iowa 51301
We work with fusible color glass. Our work has a color for everyone. We create decorative glass plates, bowls, displays and wall displays that will compliment any
office or home decor.
Our website is a representation of our art and designs.
Call for availability and pricing.